The Odyssey is a Greek word meaning the tale of Odysseus. Odysseus, the poof of Ithaca; husband of Penelope; father of Telemachus; and son of Laertes was non fitting to return home after the war he was at one time in: the Trojan War. Stuck on an island, he is presumed dead. In his absence, suitors for his married woman ruin his house with plush-like feasts. This epic poem, by Homer, describes how Odysseus, with the sponsor of the gods, gets home and regains his kingship. arbitrator is unceasingly harsh in the Odyssey; there is either no evaluator or a can of it; the punishment however, is always severe. Justice in the Odyssey plays out among these characters: Odysseus and his crew, the suitors, Poseidon, Aeolus, Hyperion, Agamemnon, Aegisthus, Melanthius, Melantho, Telemachus, and Polyphemus. distributively one of these characters does something wrong and receives a harsh punishment. In the Odyssey, justice, when done, always allots a large punishment, never a small o ne. Aegisthus administrationed Agamemnons wife and then killight-emitting rectifying valve him. The justice of the Gods is a swift and justly one. However, Aegisthus had been reprimanded: we ourselves had sent Hermes, the keen-eyed Giant-slayer, to warn him neither to kill the man nor to court his wife (pg. 4). Aegisthus ignore the warning, killing Agamemnon and courting his wife.

Orestes, Agamemnons son, killed Aegisthus to vindicate his fathers death. The gods saw this as swift, fair, and powerful justice: And now Aegisthus has pay the final price for all his sins (pg. 4). The suitors, led by Antinous and Eurymachus, take over just ice to be served when Telemachus sails to Py! los without telling them. [The] Suitors had embarked and were soaring the high seas with withdraw for Telemachus in their hearts (pg. 69). They eventually engraft him, however they did not kill him like... If you want to get a full essay, consecrate it on our website:
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